Friday, February 29, 2008


I was so intrigued by the PHOTOBUCKET Survery, that I decided to do some more questions of my own.

For those who missed the first round, here's how it works:

1. Go to (don't sign in)
2. Type in your answer to the question in the "search" box
3. Use only the first page
4. Copy the html and paste for the answer.

So here are my new questions for you - feel free to copy and play along.

1. What is your favorite food?

2. What is your favorite article of clothing?

3. What is your least favorite film of all time?
Leonard Part 6

4. What is your favorite TV Show?
Sex and the city

5. What is your favorite musical?

6. What is the last film you saw in the theater?
Charlie Bartlett

7. What is the last food you ate?

8. What is your favorite indulgence?

9. What do you collect?

10. What is your favorite kind of dog?
Chinese Crested

Same as last time - include a link in the comments to your replies if you post it on your blog!
Have a good weekend!

Because it's FRIDAY....

A good friend of mine, who writes a very witty blog - - posted this. I thought it was fun. More importantly, I thought it would keep me from doing my actual work - and isn't that the whole point of this blog anyways?

Without further ado, I give you the PHOTOBUCKET Survey.

Here's how it works:
1. Go to (don't sign in)
2. Type in your answer to the question in the "search" box
3. Use only the first page
4. Copy the html and paste for the answer.

When you finish, you'll have something like this:

1. What's your first name?

2. What school do you go to?
BPC Arch

3. What is your relationship status?

4. What is your favorite color?

5. Who is your celebrity crush?

6. What band are you listening to right now?

7. What is your favorite movie?
Wizard of OZ

8. Who is your favorite Disney princess?
Little mermaid ariel

9. Name an alcoholic beverage.

10. where is your dream vacation?
Disney parks

11. What do you love most in life?

12. One word to describe yourself?

See now? Wasn't that fun? Now, go repost on your page and play along. Leave a link to your page in my comments!

Have a good weekend!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Willy Wonka & Super Tuesday

There's a wonderful scene in the movie WILLY WONKA & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY, where the charismatic and quirky Willy Wonka (played to perfection by Gene Wilder) sings that "if you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it; anything you want to - do it! Want to change the world? There's nothing to it..."
As I child, I loved this film. I connected to the story of the innocent and untainted Charlie Bucket. Charlie, a boy of meager status, found pleasure in life's simple things. He only wanted health and safety for his family, happiness, and maybe the occasional chocolate bar. Who can't relate to that? Isn't that all anyone really wants - to have their basic needs met, and if possible, maybe an occasional treat? The story of Charlie Bucket plays out as a parable against wanting too much; greedy children are quickly dispatched away, as there is no room for those who want more than their share. The moral of the story is that good things come to those who wait and that diligence and perseverance will be rewarded; in the end, this proves true as Charlie has all of his wishes fulfilled.
Today is Super Tuesday - the Primary Elections - in what will prove to be a historical election year, no matter which side you're viewing it from. This morning, as I cast my own vote, I couldn't help but hear Gene Wilder's voice ringing in my ears - "Want to change the world? There's nothing to it!" Indeed, in a time where our society seems to be unraveling from the very fiber of it's being, we are at a crossroads in politics. Don't like the status quo? CHANGE IT! It would seem that, much like Charlie Bucket, the world is our oyster - simply waiting for us to make our decisions on how we'd have it play out.
We see the world for what it is. The beauty of our world is that it's different from every angle. Your perspective may be totally different from mine - and that perspective colors your decisions. So, that's why Super Tuesday is so important....literally, the future of our country rests in the decisions that you make. We determine where we go!

Don't like the war in Iraq? Voice it! Want Gay marriages? Voice it! Need healthcare reform? Voice it! Want stronger public schools? Voice it! Whatever your issue, whatever your cause, whatever your concern - VOICE IT!
"If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it; anything you want to - do it! Want to change the world? There's nothing to it..."
I couldn't agree more, Mr. Wonka.