Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Sanctity of Marriage

This evening, I was listening to NPR on my way home. A very interesting story caught my attention. The reporter was discussing an artificial hymen.

It's okay...you read that correctly. I said "ARTIFICIAL HYMEN". Hmmm? WTF? Yeah, that's the response I had too. The reporter detailed the importance of women maintaining their virginity in certain cultures. The story focused on women in the Middle East, Egypt and India. These cultures highly prize female "purity". A woman who has sex outside of marriage is viewed as damaged goods - unable to wed.

The reporter interviewed an Egyptian man, he stated that it is common (if not even expected) for men to have had sex before marriage. He laughed, however, at the thought of sexual equality for women. He reasoned that they are women - it just is the way it is. When confronted with the fact that this wasn't much of an argument, he agreed and cited "it just is how it is." WOW. An Indian woman was quoted as saying "a female can break as many glass ceilings as she'd like, but she better not break her hymen."


This got me thinking of my own situation. I am currently unable to wed. It's not because I don't have a partner who loves me. It's not because I'm not ready to commit to a lifetime with someone else. It's not even because I'm sexually unpure (shutup). Rather, it's because some people cling to an archaic and unfounded belief that marriage can't possibly be for anyone other than a man and a woman. Much like those women in the Mid East, Egypt and India, I find myself the victim of outdated and unfounded social beliefs.

The women in these cultures would rather purchase a fake hymen and enter into a marriage built on lies than to defy the cultural mandates they've grown up with. WOW. Let that one sink in for a while.

I'm glad I live in a country where we can be so vocal about opposition to societal standards. I'm glad I will one day (soon) be able to marry my partner. Mostly, however, I'm glad that I can look forward to doing it all without dishing out $29.99 for a fake hymen.

Ain't life grand?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

All About Perspective

This is Susan Boyle. Susan Boyle is 41. She is unemployed and lives in a small town in Ireland - Blackburn on West Lothian. Susan lives alone with her cat Pebbles.

By all means, Susan is NOT who you want to be. She is over the hill, overweight and has a serious case of overgrown eyebrows. Aside from her need for a salad and some tweezing, Susan is just a common woman. She'd probably never make your radar.

Except for the fact that Susan can sing - like an angel.

Susan was a contestant on Britain's Got Talent - a talent show in the UK with Simon Cowell as a judge. On a recent episode, Susan appeared. She told the judges of how she's always wanted to be a singer; she spoke of how she'd always wanted to sing in front of a large audience. She idolizes Elaine Paige - the First Lady of the British Musical Theater.

Everyone expected Susan to bring a big response - mostly in laughter. Everyone was wrong.

Susan has a wonderful voice - as seen in her performance of Les Miserable's "I dreamed a dream". She may even go on to win the competition.

Susan reminds me to follow your dream. No matter how out of the ordinary, no matter who says you won't make it, no matter the obstacles - FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS. I am encouraged to do better and be better by people like Susan Boyle. I am encouraged to chase my dreams no matter what and to always believe.

Thank you for the reminder, Susan.....and good luck.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

That can't be natural....

I've been called many things - a trendinista, a label whore, a diva, a hipster. I like to think that I am au courant. I try to stay abreast of things and like to think that I'm in touch with what's going on in the world. I have my finger on the pulse of society. I'm hip. I'm cool. I'm with it.

At least, I thought I was. That was until I met Betty.

Now, maybe I'm crazy - maybe I'm tragically out of touch - but when did this become an issue? Are there really people out there dying their pubes? In today's culture of economic devastation and global calamity, is there really someone who has nothing else to worry about but whether or not their pubic hair is the right shade?

Is this to cover grey, or is this purely for aesthetics? I see one of the lines is labeled as "fun" and features funky colors like pink. I don't know Betty - but obviously she and I have different definitions for fun. My definition does not include pubic hair - pink or any other kind.

What are your thoughts?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Can we talk about the Oscar's? Each year we have this huge buildup to what is arguably one of the most boring televised events around. And yet, each year, I'm glued to my television. Is it to see the films garner the laurels of praise they deserve? No. It's all about the red carpet, bitches.

I'm talking gowns. The good, the bad, and the ugly - in no particular order.

In fact, I'd have captioned this picture the drab, the predictable, and the overly ornate.

Let's start with Miss Jessica "I ain't got a comb" Biehl. Apparently, when you are dating Justin Timberlake you can't be bothered to comb your mussy 'do. Apparently, you also can't starch. This sad beige mess looks like it's bow has gone all droopy. She looks like she has a napkin tucked in her boobs.

As for Beyonce, it's a case of been there - done that. The mermaid cut gowns are so over. It's the red carpet staple - and it's so boring. If I see one more fishtail hem, I think I'll scream! With that said, I do appreciate that B'ce kept the jewels and hair minimal.

Someone who could take a note from Beyonce on minimalism - Mylie Cyrus. To quote her Hannah Montanna character - SWEET NIBLETS!!! As Tim Gunn says, "that's a lot of look." You're 16 Mylie - why are you decked out like a whorish wedding cake? You look like your gown was made of Matador suits. And that is never a good objective.

Lest you think I hated everyone, however, there are a few gems of the evening.

Viola Davis - I loved you. You're old school glam.

You proved that all that glitters may well be gold.

Anne Hathaway has been consistently stunning this Awards season.

This gown was no exception. I loved the swirl of paillettes that graduated in size. I only wish it'd been more of a color - but she was stunning.

Alicia Keys was another look I loved. Alicia is sometimes hit and miss, but she delivered in a very soft and feminine look.

Lastly, and I may take some heat on this - I liked Angelina Jolie. While Brad & Angie may be most comfortable in flak jackets and khakis, circling the globe on their scavenger hunt for babies, they cleaned up remarkably well. Angelina was modestly elegant - she looked both sophisticated and understated - a look that is hard to pull off.

Bravo, Mrs. Pitt. Bravo.