Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Can we talk about the Oscar's? Each year we have this huge buildup to what is arguably one of the most boring televised events around. And yet, each year, I'm glued to my television. Is it to see the films garner the laurels of praise they deserve? No. It's all about the red carpet, bitches.

I'm talking gowns. The good, the bad, and the ugly - in no particular order.

In fact, I'd have captioned this picture the drab, the predictable, and the overly ornate.

Let's start with Miss Jessica "I ain't got a comb" Biehl. Apparently, when you are dating Justin Timberlake you can't be bothered to comb your mussy 'do. Apparently, you also can't starch. This sad beige mess looks like it's bow has gone all droopy. She looks like she has a napkin tucked in her boobs.

As for Beyonce, it's a case of been there - done that. The mermaid cut gowns are so over. It's the red carpet staple - and it's so boring. If I see one more fishtail hem, I think I'll scream! With that said, I do appreciate that B'ce kept the jewels and hair minimal.

Someone who could take a note from Beyonce on minimalism - Mylie Cyrus. To quote her Hannah Montanna character - SWEET NIBLETS!!! As Tim Gunn says, "that's a lot of look." You're 16 Mylie - why are you decked out like a whorish wedding cake? You look like your gown was made of Matador suits. And that is never a good objective.

Lest you think I hated everyone, however, there are a few gems of the evening.

Viola Davis - I loved you. You're old school glam.

You proved that all that glitters may well be gold.

Anne Hathaway has been consistently stunning this Awards season.

This gown was no exception. I loved the swirl of paillettes that graduated in size. I only wish it'd been more of a color - but she was stunning.

Alicia Keys was another look I loved. Alicia is sometimes hit and miss, but she delivered in a very soft and feminine look.

Lastly, and I may take some heat on this - I liked Angelina Jolie. While Brad & Angie may be most comfortable in flak jackets and khakis, circling the globe on their scavenger hunt for babies, they cleaned up remarkably well. Angelina was modestly elegant - she looked both sophisticated and understated - a look that is hard to pull off.

Bravo, Mrs. Pitt. Bravo.