Monday, February 12, 2007

Wuv, Twue Wuv....

Wednesday will be Valentine's Day - a day of hearts, candy, and the butterflies in the stomach feeling that only being in love can provide.

This Valentine's Day, I have a lot to be thankful for.

For starters, I'm in love.

He's a wonderful man and I couldn't be happier. He is smart and funny; he's cute. He makes me proud of him, and he makes me proud of me.

I entered a contest recently, with a local newspaper, and I was one of the winners. The essay contest asked simply, "What makes this Valentine's Day so Special?"

Well, I wrote:

As a 28-year-old man, this is the first year that I am
completely out. I am out to my friends and my family. I am out
publicly and professionally. I am eager to celebrate this Valentine’s Day with
my boyfriend. We’ve been together for 3 months, and I’m hoping for many
more. … For the first time in my life, I am comfortable enough with myself
to tell that to the world.
So this year, it’s not candy hearts and flowers
that have me excited. Nor is it the opportunity to share my life with a
great man (although I’ve got that too!). What I’m excited about this
Valentine’s Day is that I am a gay man, in a loving and healthy relationship,
and I can shout it from the rooftops.

So, this Valentine's Day I am thrilled to be able to say "I'm in love" -
Not just because I'm in love, but because I'm finally comfortable saying it.


DK said...

Rock ON!

IGA, I am SOOO Proud of you. And, I am so happy for you.

You deserve the best. Deserve the best happiness, and deserve to tell everyone you've found it.

Everyone deserves happiness and your choice does not diminish that in any way.

I love you.

DK said...

Okay, today Tequila at Work would be the way to go!

Oh, my head hurts. I know tequila would help!


DK said...

Hope the day was as great as you hoped!