"One must be poor to know the luxury of giving." George Eliot
As we begin a new year and a new decade, our thoughts inevitably turn to change. We all seek to be better people and to make our mark on this world - even if it's in a very small way. The passing of time has a way of reminding us of how small and finite we are. With the year's passing, we resolve to be better versions of ourselves - thinner, kinder, more involved. Working in the nonprofit sector, I see this first hand. Everyone wants to volunteer their time come January 1, but no one can be found 11 months later. Sadly, our zeal and passion to be do-gooders is fleeting.
I recently saw an interview on the local news with a man who created a website. The website has a simple design - it is modeled on a gift registry. Anyone who has ever been to a wedding, housewarming, or child's birth understands the idea of a gift registry. You register for things you need or want - household items, china, baby clothes, furniture. Your friends and relatives can then visit your registry and purchase you items that you not only want, but need. You're essentially telling people what to buy you. It's genius, really. You wind up with the items you want, and your friends and family are blessed with the peace of mind knowing that they've helped you out in your time of need. Touching, right? There's a twist to this guy's website, however. The registry here is for you to get your bills paid. Turns out that the guy was a newlywed who had the foresight to recognize that he needed to pay off his credit cards and student loans more than he needed place settings for 12. Smart guy!
So, as 2010 rolls in, this got me to thinking.....maybe this could work for me? Those of you who know me can attest to the fact that I'm a hard worker. I work 7 days a week at two jobs - just to make ends meet. I'm no slouch. I work these two jobs because I'm desperately trying to pay off credit card debt and student loans. Now, I know this doesn't put me in any special class. Most of my friends have student loan debt - some nearing six figures. I'm lucky that mine is relatively low and I have my payments in control. Still, it will be years (decades?) until I pay the debt off. Also, I carry credit card debt. I fell into the credit card web in college - like so many young people. I've paid off two credit cards in the past five years, and I am now working to wipe out my last card's debt. I know I will never allow myself to be in credit card debt again. I've seen how it affects my life, and I will remember how hard I've had to work to pay off the debt. I will never forget the years of working two jobs, the vacations I couldn't afford to take, and the weekends of relaxation I missed due to having to work two jobs. I won't go back.
I've not registered on this guy's site, but it did make me think. So many people are looking for ways to make an impact, but they lack the momentum to find a cause. So many people want to help others out, but they don't know where to start. What if you could help out a friend? Why not channel your do-gooder instincts into someone you know? Think of the good of being able to see how someone's life is so visibly changed by your generosity?
Now, I don't anticipate that you will cut me a check to pay off my student loan debt. I doubt that you'll clear up my credit card bill next month. I did think, however, that what a difference it would make if we all pitched in to help. Each person working in their own small way - each person making as much difference as they could! It's the little things that add up, right? A penny is pretty worthless, but get 100 of them and you have a dollar - right? So, that's the premise - one can do little, but lots of friends could potentially make a huge impact.
So, I am trying a social experiment. What do I stand to gain? I stand to lose a little debt. What do you gain? You get the tremendous self satisfaction of knowing that you've made a difference in your own backyard - you've helped propel a friend/loved one to a better place. Think of the doors this could open? And think of how this could ripple out? My friends help me, and word spreads. Eventually, those friends help other friends. This could generate a whole network of people who are literally "paying it forward." That is, if my theory is correct and people act on the desire to do better and to make an impact. If not? Well, if not, then I've only lost a bit of dignity by airing a bit of my own dirty laundry concerning my financial matters.
So, here is my premise. I have over 900 friends on Facebook - all people I know in real life (to varying degrees). If each one of those people donated just $1, that is nearly $1000. Think on that. We can all spare a dollar, right? If your friend asked to have a dollar you'd surely oblige - wouldn't you? So, consider your friend asking.....everyone donate what they can. Maybe you feel generous and you can spare $10 - GREAT! Maybe you're rich and you can spare $200 - FANTASTIC! The dollar amount is less important - the importance is to see if you will give. When push comes to shove, WILL YOU HELP A FRIEND OUT??? Will you put your money where your mouth is?
Gandhi said it best - "We must be the change we wish to see in the world."
Well, let the change begin.....let it begin with you. Let's usher in a decade of change. Are you up for it?
***If you're interested, let me know.....email or message me. I can send you my address for a donation or you can give online via paypal. We'll work something out.
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