Friday, January 26, 2007

Give a little bit....

While we at Drinking @ Work are all about the laughs, we're also not without a heart. I am a huge advocate of philanthropy and volunteerism. I was interested to see this post on a friend's blog that led me to SixDegrees.Org. Who out there hasn't played "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon"? We all understand that in today's society we live with an increasingly interconnectivity. We are all part of a global family - our actions impact not only our lives but the lives of those around us.

Building on that idea,
Six Degrees takes the idea that it "takes a village" and puts it to work. Here, you will find celebrities and their causes. Even better, however, you can develop your own badge which can be used to link to causes you support.

I hope you'll take time to view this, and maybe even make your own badge. I'd also encourage you to read about my cause and maybe make a donation.



Anonymous said...

Added your badge to my blog!

Anonymous said...

It is monday AM. Need a new post so I dont' have to drinnk at work!!!