Thursday, January 25, 2007

I feel like CHICKEN tonight....

Part of the basis for me starting this website was to give other people an outlet for slacking. When you're at work, it can be daunting to actually have to, er, work.

With that in mind, I have compiled an extensive list of "diversions" which help me on a daily basis. I will begin posting some of my favorites from this list on the site. As an act of charity here at DRINKING @ WORK, I would like to share with you one of my favorite things. WOW! I feel just like Julie Andrews....

One of my favorite sites is Doug Savage's, SAVAGE CHICKENS. We at DRINKING @ WORK, feel that Mr. Savage is pure genius; of course, we are drinking at work so take that for what it's worth. At any rate, Dan is a hilarious cartoonist. His site tells the story of the chicken's evolution stating:

Like some sort of haunting supernatural force, the
chickens bubbled up from the ol' subconscious mind. In a trance-like state, I drew them on office whiteboards. I drew them in notebooks. I drew them on anything that sat still long enough. People started asking, "Who's drawing those damn chicken cartoons everywhere?

The chickens were unstoppable.

To retain my sanity, all I could do was grab a stack of sticky notes, and release the Savage Chickens.

And release them he did! Each day Savage posts a new Chicken Cartoon. They are all drawn by hand, and they are all done on the ubiquitous yellow Post-It (which we know was invented by Romi & Michelle).

These Chickens have become a highlight of my day! I eagerly anticipate each day's arrival, and I freely forward them out in emails to friends - all while I could be working. I hope that you'll find SAVAGE CHICKENS to be a suitable diversion for you too! Feel free to list some of your favorite distractions in the comments, and you may find them featured in a future entry!


Anonymous said...

I claim responsibility for introducing IGA to Savage Chickens.

I can also completely endorse the chickens as a work deferral program. Start looking at the chickens...your work will be deferred.

The chickens are brilliant!!