Monday, January 29, 2007

There she is...

Tonight is the Miss America Pageant. The pageant will air at 8 p.m. tonight on CMT. You can visit their website for all kinds of great behind-the-scenes info. The website features bio videos for each contestant. You can also access cool things like the Miss America ringtone (which is currently on my phone - no joke!).
I will of course be rooting for Georgia's own Amanda Kozak. Amanda wins my support, not only because she is the local winner, but because of her platform. Amanda's platform is child mentoring through Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. BBBS is my former employer, and I am also a Big Brother! Amanda's talent is tap, and she's a strong contender across the boards. Look for her to make a good showing!
For more pagenat 411, and some very entertaining video footage, check out my friend's blog here. He has wonderful background info on the contestants, as well as pics from the preliminary competitions last week. It is sick just how much information he has! He is a field director for the Miss Georgia Organization. Additionally, he happens to be a very witty and clever writer - check him out and favorite his site! It's a great thing to do instead of work!


Anonymous said...

How did it go?

DK said...

I must have a new post!!
Please post!
If you don't post soon, I really will have to Drink At Work!
And, I didn't bring the bailey's for my coffee! LOL!